HART Fares


Local and Limited Express

HART Fares
with Flamingo Fares​
One Trip​ ​Daily Fare Ca​p Monthly Fare Cap ​Services​
Regular ​$2.00 ​$4.00 ​$65.00 Local, Limited Express
Discount ** ​$1.00 ​​​$2.00 ​$32.50 Local, Limited Express​
** Discount Flamingo Cards​ available for: Youth (ages 6-18), Seniors (ages 65+), Disabilities (requires application), Disabled Veterans (VA Health ID card with “Service Connected”), Visually Impaired (Blind Services card or Lighthouse letter), Medicare (red/white/blue card). Discounts available on the Flamingo App upon request.​

​​​HART Flex

HARTFlex Far​es
with Flamingo Fares
One Trip​ ​​Daily Fare Cap
Regular ​$1.00 ​$2.00​

​​​Pass Products

Pass Type Cost ​Description Services Method
1 Day Family Pass
(only available on the Flamingo​ Fares App)
​$12.50 Tap o​nce to pay for up to 5 people (notify operator); from day of use/activation until 3am the next day. HART Local, Limited Express, HARTFlex Flamingo App & Card​
Month Passport ​$85.00 ​​​Valid from day of purchase until end of that calendar month (the following month is pre-selected after 15th) HART (Local, Limited Express, HARTFlex) and PSTA (bus and trolley) Flamingo App & Card​


HARTPlus is not on Flamingo Fares - for digital payment, download the Token Transit app.

HARTPlus Fares Cost Sales Locations
One-Way​ ​$4.00 Onboard (cash)
10-Pack One-Way HARTPlus Passes ​$40.00 HART Facilities
or the HART Transit Store


TECO Line Streetcar​ is fare free. 

Pay your HART Fare with Flamingo Fares!

Ways to Pay Sales Locations Initial Cost Rider Type ​Is There Fare Capping?
Flamingo App ​Google Play Store and Apple App Store Free Download​ Regular ​​Yes
Flamingo Card HART Customer Service Centers
(new and replacements)
Regular Yes
​Discount **​
Flamingo Card
​​​HART Customer Service Centers
​$3.00 (new and replacements)​ ​Discount ​Yes
Contactless ​​​Personal debit, credit, or pre-paid card with contactless icon N/A Regular ​Yes *
​Digital Wallet Personal smartphone or smartwatch
(Google Wallet, Apple Wallet)
Free Download Regular ​Yes *

*For Contactless and Digital Wallet: must use the same card through the same method every time to get fare capping.

** Discount Flamingo Cards available for: Youth (ages 6-18), Seniors (ages 65+), Disabilities (requires application), Disabled Veterans (VA Health ID card with “Service Connected”), Visually Impaired (Blind Services card or Lighthouse letter), Medicare (red/white/blue card). Discounts available on the Flamingo App upon request.​​​​​

​What is Fare Capping?​

Fares for each trip are paid from your balance (money is loaded in advance):

  • ​Ride free for the rest of the day after reaching the Daily Fare Cap
  • Ride free for the rest of the calendar month after reaching the Monthly Fare Cap​​

Where Do I Load Money?

Where to Load Money​ Get Card Get Discount Card Load with Cash Load with Debit/
Credit Card
Minimum Load No Intranet Required
Flamingo App ​Virtual Only No No ​​Yes ​ $5.00 ​Needs Intranet
FlamingoFares.com No No No Yes $5.00 ​​Needs Intranet
HART Customer Service Centers Yes ​Yes Yes ​Yes Value of a one-way fare​ ​​Does Not Need Intranet​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



HART and its agents assume no responsibility for lost, stolen or mutilated farecards. Cards are nonredeemable, nonrefundable, and nontransferable.


To exchange your Flamingo Fare cards, present the malfunctioning card at Marion Transit Center or University Transit Center. ​


This type of fare requires exact change.



Discount Fares are available through Discount Flamingo Card​ (has a one-time $3.00 cost at Marion Transit Center and University Area Transit Center) with proof of eligibility for Youth ages 6-18, Seniors ages 65 and older, people with Disabilities or Visual Impairment, Disabled Veterans, and Medicare cardholders.

Discount users can receive Discount Fare onboard for each $1.00 one-way trip with cash (exact change required) with Medicare red/white/blue card, Discount Flamingo Card​, or for Youth ages 6-18 with valid School ID (physical or digital).


Age 5 and younger ride free when no taller than the yellow height line and accompanied by a paying adult. If a child is taller than the yellow height line, proper ID is required.

Exact change only, no bills larger than $1.00. Bus operator does not carry change.


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