Current bus detours and special alerts on conditions affecting the HART system appear below. Please subscribe to our RSS feed to stay informed of alerts and detours as they happen. Short-term detours (lasting less than two weeks) are not posted on the website.
on - going
Due to road closures and traffic limitations during major events, HART service detours are in place for routes operating around Amalie Arena.
The following routes are included in this detour: Route 8, Route 19.
Event and game schedules are linked below, but are subject to change by the stadium or sports' teams :
Amalie Arena Event Schedule
For assistance with trip planning alternatives during this detour, please call the HARTinfo Line at (813) 254-4278.
Due to road closures and event traffic, HART service will be on detour during select events at Raymond James Stadium. Routes 7, 32, 36, and 45 are impacted. See flyer for details.
Please contact HART Customer Service at 813-254-4278 for any questions.
Raymond James Stadium Event List
Route 46 is on a permanent detour, effective May 29, 2024.
The endpoint is now @ S.R. 60/Brandon Blvd. & Mulrennan Rd. The closest stops are Stop #7883 or #7886. Stops #7885, #7887, and the new stop @ Mulrennan Rd. & Copper Canyon Blvd. are no longer being served.
DETOUR MAP: Route-46-Detour-052924.pdf